Research results of a three week study among 23 Overweight and Obese participants ( Randomized double blind study) consuming 5mg or 20mg Astazanthin per day showed a decrease in levels of molandialdehyde (MDA- reactive carbonyl compound, a well established marker of oxidative stress) of about 35% in both dosage groups compared to levels at the start of the study.
In addition, isoprostane levels ( another oxidative stress marker) wrer reduced by 65% in both groups.
The study also observed an increase in levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), an antioxidant enzyme, of 193% as wll as an injcrease of about 123% in total antioxidant capacity in the blood.
Source: Phytotherapy Research - Efects of Astazanthin in Oxidative Stress in Overweight and Obese Adults.
It appaers that Astazanthin is useful as a supplement not only for Weight problems, but other chronic diseases as well ( Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease etc). Be sure to look for quality supplement for better efficacy and for good return to your health investment.
Tips and guidelines of maintaining or recovering your health without medication. Tip dan panduan menjaga atau memulih kesihatan diri tanpa ubat.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Cara Mudah Buang Lemak Badan
Anda gemuk? Saiz seluar, baju atau skirt semakin besar? Semakin banyak anda makan tetapi perut sentiasa lapar? Nak lawan nafsu makan tak terdaya. Adakah anda tak ada 'will power' nak lawan kehendak perut yang kian membuncit dengan badan semakin berat sehingga nak naik tangga pun mengeluh sakan?
Jangan risau.
Persoalannya- anda betul betul tak nak gemuk lagi ke?
Adakah anda sanggup usaha sedikit untuk jadi lebih ringan, slim dan sihat?
Kalu jawabannya ya, ayuh mari kita cuba try!
Pertama anda perlu minum air lebih banyak dari biasa. Mulakan dengan 5 botol air saiz 500ml seharai untuk diminum sepanjang hari. Sekiranay anda tak ada masalah/ problem buah pinggang atau ginjal anda boleh minum lebih banyak dari itu. Jangan risau kalau kena kencing kerap. Itu bagus asalkan jangan kencing dalam seluar, atau jangan kencing di roda kereta orang kat parking lot...anjing marah sebab u tiru cara dia yang ori tu...
Nota: Panduan minum air ada dalam blog ini diruang lain...cuba baca
Kedua makan nasi dari jenis beras perang yang banyak serat atau beras basmathi yang kurang kanji. Elak makan beras wangi keran terlalu banyak kanji yang akan cepat jadi gula dalam badan apabila dimakan. Gula pula jika berlebihan dalam badan akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak. Itu sebablah anda hairan kenapa gemuk walau pun tak makan lemak. Buka anda sahaja yang hairan, malah satu dunia hairan termasuk setengah2 pakar nutrition yang masih percaya faedah piramid makanan yang tak begitu betul.
Ketiga Apabila makan nasi, anda perlu banyakkan sayur sekurang2nya jika dicincang penuh satu cawan besar. Kalau malas makan sayur, eloklah anda berhenti disini sahaja dan sambung cara lama anda. ... malas minum air malas makan sayur dan selalu sembelit.
Selain sayur yang dimakan sebanyak mungkin ( kalau boleh masak jangan sampai leyu),. pastikan anda makan banyak protin dari ikan atau daging. Jaga jaga, uncle, ayam ada banyak kimia dan hormon didalamnya nanti anda berkokok sorang2 pula.
Keempat- Protin penting untuk otot kuat dan untuk membantu pembakaran lemak kerana pencernaan pppprotin memerlukan banyak tenaga. Bila banyak tenaga dibakar untuk pencernaan protin lemak akan dibakar. uppps, jaga jaga nanti api keluar ikut mulut atau bontot anda! he he
Apabila ada protin dan sayur dalam hidangan anda, maka karbohidrat dari nasi akan berubah jadi glukos secara perlahan dan loncatan gula ( sugar spike) tidak akan berlaku. Ini penting untuk mengelakan insulin terhasil terlalu banyak. Bacalah pasal insulin diruang lain dalam blog ini.
Kelima- Buah buahan penting untuk medapatkan serat, vitamin dan galian. Epal, belimbing, jambu, carrot, pisang, betik.... semuanya baik untuk kesihatan badan dan usus. Jika anda makan dua epal sehari dengan beberapa buah lain anda cepat turun berat badan tau.
Keenam- Almond, gajus, walnut, macadamia nut semuanya boleh dibeli dikedai jual bahan kek dengan harga murah. tiap tiap hari anda ambil 5-7 biji dari tiap2 bijirin diatas dan blend kering sampai jadi debu. Campur kan dengan susu atau soys dan minum. Kalau nak sedap sikit campurkan gula kabung ke,a pa ke. Jangan guna gula puteh sebab gula ini perosak kesihatan anda.
Ketujuh- Jalan laju2 atau buat brisk walking ditaman sekurang2 nya 4 kali seminggu selama 30 minit hingga 45 minit tiap2 kali.
Insyaallah anda akan rasa lebih selesa dengan diri sendiri, lebih sihat dan lebih mudah bergerak hari demi hari. tetapi jangan pula terus lihat cermin besar selepas satu hari berdiet cara ini.
Kelapan - anda akan jadi lebih slim....
Jangan risau.
Persoalannya- anda betul betul tak nak gemuk lagi ke?
Adakah anda sanggup usaha sedikit untuk jadi lebih ringan, slim dan sihat?
Kalu jawabannya ya, ayuh mari kita cuba try!
Pertama anda perlu minum air lebih banyak dari biasa. Mulakan dengan 5 botol air saiz 500ml seharai untuk diminum sepanjang hari. Sekiranay anda tak ada masalah/ problem buah pinggang atau ginjal anda boleh minum lebih banyak dari itu. Jangan risau kalau kena kencing kerap. Itu bagus asalkan jangan kencing dalam seluar, atau jangan kencing di roda kereta orang kat parking lot...anjing marah sebab u tiru cara dia yang ori tu...
Nota: Panduan minum air ada dalam blog ini diruang lain...cuba baca
Kedua makan nasi dari jenis beras perang yang banyak serat atau beras basmathi yang kurang kanji. Elak makan beras wangi keran terlalu banyak kanji yang akan cepat jadi gula dalam badan apabila dimakan. Gula pula jika berlebihan dalam badan akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak. Itu sebablah anda hairan kenapa gemuk walau pun tak makan lemak. Buka anda sahaja yang hairan, malah satu dunia hairan termasuk setengah2 pakar nutrition yang masih percaya faedah piramid makanan yang tak begitu betul.
Ketiga Apabila makan nasi, anda perlu banyakkan sayur sekurang2nya jika dicincang penuh satu cawan besar. Kalau malas makan sayur, eloklah anda berhenti disini sahaja dan sambung cara lama anda. ... malas minum air malas makan sayur dan selalu sembelit.
Selain sayur yang dimakan sebanyak mungkin ( kalau boleh masak jangan sampai leyu),. pastikan anda makan banyak protin dari ikan atau daging. Jaga jaga, uncle, ayam ada banyak kimia dan hormon didalamnya nanti anda berkokok sorang2 pula.
Keempat- Protin penting untuk otot kuat dan untuk membantu pembakaran lemak kerana pencernaan pppprotin memerlukan banyak tenaga. Bila banyak tenaga dibakar untuk pencernaan protin lemak akan dibakar. uppps, jaga jaga nanti api keluar ikut mulut atau bontot anda! he he
Apabila ada protin dan sayur dalam hidangan anda, maka karbohidrat dari nasi akan berubah jadi glukos secara perlahan dan loncatan gula ( sugar spike) tidak akan berlaku. Ini penting untuk mengelakan insulin terhasil terlalu banyak. Bacalah pasal insulin diruang lain dalam blog ini.
Kelima- Buah buahan penting untuk medapatkan serat, vitamin dan galian. Epal, belimbing, jambu, carrot, pisang, betik.... semuanya baik untuk kesihatan badan dan usus. Jika anda makan dua epal sehari dengan beberapa buah lain anda cepat turun berat badan tau.
Keenam- Almond, gajus, walnut, macadamia nut semuanya boleh dibeli dikedai jual bahan kek dengan harga murah. tiap tiap hari anda ambil 5-7 biji dari tiap2 bijirin diatas dan blend kering sampai jadi debu. Campur kan dengan susu atau soys dan minum. Kalau nak sedap sikit campurkan gula kabung ke,a pa ke. Jangan guna gula puteh sebab gula ini perosak kesihatan anda.
Ketujuh- Jalan laju2 atau buat brisk walking ditaman sekurang2 nya 4 kali seminggu selama 30 minit hingga 45 minit tiap2 kali.
Insyaallah anda akan rasa lebih selesa dengan diri sendiri, lebih sihat dan lebih mudah bergerak hari demi hari. tetapi jangan pula terus lihat cermin besar selepas satu hari berdiet cara ini.
Kelapan - anda akan jadi lebih slim....
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tips For Healthy Heart & Circulation
Viagra was originally developed to improve blood circulation among heart patients. But the good side effect of the drug development was circling around the room chasing for the wife for the long-lost pleasure ( pun intended). Yup, 'election time' in China ( spell erection). So viagra is widely used for men to prove his worth of salt to his woman!
So you guys, if you want a good 'election' make sure you have good blood 'circuration'. (yes r instead of l)
More serious now!
Shane Ellison, a former executive of a Pharmaceutical company in a book entitled " The Hidden truth About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs" recommended the followings for healthy heart and healthy blood circulation:
In another session I shall show a simple way to make nattokinase with soybeans by way of fermentation...
So you guys, if you want a good 'election' make sure you have good blood 'circuration'. (yes r instead of l)
More serious now!
Shane Ellison, a former executive of a Pharmaceutical company in a book entitled " The Hidden truth About Cholesterol Lowering Drugs" recommended the followings for healthy heart and healthy blood circulation:
- Engage in a healthy lifestyle habits
- Abstain from refined sugar and artificial sweetener
- Quit smoking - don't start
- Exercise moderately
- Eat more leafy green vegetables daily
- Drink more purified water daily
- Limit milk consumption to moderate amount ( how much is too much?)
- Eat walnut, coconut oil especially VCO, fresh fruits
- Eat salmon for omega3 fatty acids
- Minimize refined grains ( remember the bad Carbohydrates I wrote..)
- Loose body fat ( read other notes in the blog..)
- Add to your diet enzyme Nattokinase: The Japanese have been eating nattokinase for more than 1,000 years ( I guess I was young then, ha ha ). This enzyme is known to help safely and naturally eliminate protein build-up, and support healthy blood flow from head to toe ( i.e if you have not been amputated yet)
In another session I shall show a simple way to make nattokinase with soybeans by way of fermentation...
Tips to Ward Off or Eliminate Cataracts
Cataracts cause your vision to be cloudy and blurry . In a serious case one can lose his /her vision.
It is caused by free radicals in your body which is associated with unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, and in people with diabetes. Normally it starts to develop in people after 50.
Cataracts can also be a warning signal for heart problems and other chronic diseases associated with free radicals.
Dr Grassman. OD, an optomerist and acupuncturist in New Paltz, New York, had consistent success in delaying or reversing cataracts using diet and supplements.
Key to prevention of cataracts is using diet and supplements that boost the body's level of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that interferes with cataracts development. Dr Grassmen added that, the lens are made of protein layers arranged orderly enabling light to pass through. As we age, he added, oxygen interferes with these proteins, creating a highly reactive free radicals that cause the proteins to clump together blocking light from passing through the lenses. As such vision becomes blurry.
Vitamins To Take to ward of cataracts:
Vitamins A, C and E. beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, and selenium.
Food to help ward off cataracts:
Eat foods that boost your body's ability to create glutathione, primarily in your liver such as asparagus, eggs, broccoli, avocados, garlic, onion, cantaloupe, watermelon, spinach and strawberries.
Reduce or eliminate refines sugar in your diet.
Supplements known to boost body's glutathione :
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) up to 6-00mg a day
Alpha lipoic acid is particularly effective in boosting glutathione up to 300mg a day.
Vitamin C.
Wear quality sunglasses on a sunny day. Dr Grassmen said that ultraviolet rays (UV rays) encourages the proteins to clump together . In addition, wear broad hat.
NOTE: Glutathione as supplement is difficult to be absorbed by the body, therefore the above diet and supplements help.
See you bright and clear even on a cloudy day! bye
It is caused by free radicals in your body which is associated with unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, and in people with diabetes. Normally it starts to develop in people after 50.
Cataracts can also be a warning signal for heart problems and other chronic diseases associated with free radicals.
Dr Grassman. OD, an optomerist and acupuncturist in New Paltz, New York, had consistent success in delaying or reversing cataracts using diet and supplements.
Key to prevention of cataracts is using diet and supplements that boost the body's level of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that interferes with cataracts development. Dr Grassmen added that, the lens are made of protein layers arranged orderly enabling light to pass through. As we age, he added, oxygen interferes with these proteins, creating a highly reactive free radicals that cause the proteins to clump together blocking light from passing through the lenses. As such vision becomes blurry.
Vitamins To Take to ward of cataracts:
Vitamins A, C and E. beta carotene, lutein, lycopene, and selenium.
Food to help ward off cataracts:
Eat foods that boost your body's ability to create glutathione, primarily in your liver such as asparagus, eggs, broccoli, avocados, garlic, onion, cantaloupe, watermelon, spinach and strawberries.
Reduce or eliminate refines sugar in your diet.
Supplements known to boost body's glutathione :
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) up to 6-00mg a day
Alpha lipoic acid is particularly effective in boosting glutathione up to 300mg a day.
Vitamin C.
Wear quality sunglasses on a sunny day. Dr Grassmen said that ultraviolet rays (UV rays) encourages the proteins to clump together . In addition, wear broad hat.
NOTE: Glutathione as supplement is difficult to be absorbed by the body, therefore the above diet and supplements help.
See you bright and clear even on a cloudy day! bye
Monday, August 8, 2011
More Health Tips 4U
It doesn't require the brain of a rocket scientist to be healthy. Many of those scientists are sick any way, including some of the doctors you visit regularly to get your drugs. If you don't believe me, go today to your regular clinic and ask your doctor if he or she is on any drugs. YES, many of them, just like us simpletons, are daily fighting their rising blood pressure, the increasing sugar levels ( not including the hiking price of sugar), and the ever increasing girth ( waist line) due to consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates which come in different names of cakes, pastas, rotis and colas.
Tell me of any drug that has proven to CURE diabetes or HBP or obesity etc etc?.
If you are busy 'curing' the symptoms, the disease will sit cooly laughing loud at you! It is like trying to burn wet firewood. By the time the last match stick is ignited to keep on killing the smoke of yet-to burn wood, you have barely finished driving the water out of the wood. And after a half day walk to get a new source of fire, you have to start burning wet wood again because it rained. And that is how you go with drugs. Before the symptoms diminish with load of medicines you have to swallow, new symptoms emerge may be with different names but for the same core disease you are suffering. Its a yo yo affair.
Now Some Tips For You
1. Breakfast that lowers your blood pressure
Research findings: Eating soluble-fibre-rich whole grain oats every day caused a significant dip in blood pressure. It is also found to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Make 3/4 cup whole grain oat breakfast with milk and enjoy eating.
2. Foods that fight Aging
Chia seed- a nutty tasting grain with Omega3 fatty acids has high anti-oxidant activity of any whole food. Chia seed is even better than the powerful blueberries.
Aim at 2 daily doses of about 2 teaspoon of the seeds either sprinkling on cereal, yogurt, salads or stir into muffin mix. it can alsi be added to smoothies.
Note: It is essential to keep handy (1) a good blender with multiple speeds and with ice crushing blades, And (2) a dry blender to blend walnuts, macadamia nuts, almond etc so you can mix with soy milk or any healthy beverage.
3. Foods that strengthen your Immune System
Onion, apples and black berries contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that strengthen the immune system and forgetfulness.
Will keep you posted with more tips.
Tell me of any drug that has proven to CURE diabetes or HBP or obesity etc etc?.
If you are busy 'curing' the symptoms, the disease will sit cooly laughing loud at you! It is like trying to burn wet firewood. By the time the last match stick is ignited to keep on killing the smoke of yet-to burn wood, you have barely finished driving the water out of the wood. And after a half day walk to get a new source of fire, you have to start burning wet wood again because it rained. And that is how you go with drugs. Before the symptoms diminish with load of medicines you have to swallow, new symptoms emerge may be with different names but for the same core disease you are suffering. Its a yo yo affair.
Now Some Tips For You
1. Breakfast that lowers your blood pressure
Research findings: Eating soluble-fibre-rich whole grain oats every day caused a significant dip in blood pressure. It is also found to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Make 3/4 cup whole grain oat breakfast with milk and enjoy eating.
2. Foods that fight Aging
Chia seed- a nutty tasting grain with Omega3 fatty acids has high anti-oxidant activity of any whole food. Chia seed is even better than the powerful blueberries.
Aim at 2 daily doses of about 2 teaspoon of the seeds either sprinkling on cereal, yogurt, salads or stir into muffin mix. it can alsi be added to smoothies.
Note: It is essential to keep handy (1) a good blender with multiple speeds and with ice crushing blades, And (2) a dry blender to blend walnuts, macadamia nuts, almond etc so you can mix with soy milk or any healthy beverage.
3. Foods that strengthen your Immune System
Onion, apples and black berries contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that strengthen the immune system and forgetfulness.
Will keep you posted with more tips.
Are You a Candidate for Heart Attack?
After the age of 50 one starts to worry about declining health. Despite increase in longevity with availability of drugs and supplements, and all kinds of information on health, the percentage of people living on pills ( drugs etc) is on the increase.
High blood pressure, diabetes and of course obesity are fast encroaching to the younger age groups.
Two things that worry people a great deal are Cholesterol and triglycerides ( fats). The whole modern world is spending trillions of dollars yearly on drugs to reduce the two culprits.
But are they real or just the boogymen of health the scare the hell out of us into spending our hard-earned money?
Do you realize that 50% of those having heart attacks have normal cholesterol and fat levels in their bodies? I know of a health freak friend whom I rated 10/10 on his health, physique and his activities in sports for health. But why did he have a major first heart attack that nearly took his life?
He was shocked when I stared straight into his eyes said that he had a high level of Homocysteine. He gave a loud 100% surprised YES. He said not many doctors were aware of such condition.
About 30 years ago a Professor at Harvard University discovered the association of homocysteiene with heart attack. But since he also found that regular taking of a small dose of aspirin or a daily dose of vitamin B6 and B12 plus Folic acid could do the trick, his research grant funder ( Pharma giant) asked him to stop the research and stop writing about it. Don't let the cat out of the box.
He insisted on pursuing the research and talk about it. The grant was stopped and he was kicked out of a Harvard teaching post.
Why? BECAUSE it is a cheap way of averting heart attack.
AND if you have to swallow daily fistful doses of cholesterol and fat busting pills ( which is not neccessary and not effective anyway, plus some side effects) then the Big Pharmas keep getting filthy richer.
What is homocysteine?
It is an amino acid produced internally from dietary protein metabolism. It can be recycled as another amino acid with the help of vitamin B12 and Folate. Without enough of the two, the cycle becomes faulty and homocysteine level rise in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels is associated with:
- deep vein thrombosis
- Coronary artery disease, and
- Stroke
He may think you are talking about a 16 year old homesexual.
Dihidrasi @ Kekeringan Dalaman
Kekeringan dalaman boleh membawa pelbagai akibat buruk kepada kesihatan anda. Salah satu nya ialah terjadinya alahan atau alergi. Ramai mengalami alahan secara kronik/ kronis yang tidak dapat dibuang sehingga bertahun lamanya.
Penyakit gatal gatal kulit ekzema yang seoalah2 tiada penawarnya, selalau bersin, mata berair, bibir bengkak, dan sebagainya adalah simtom atau gejala alahan/ alergi.
Ramai tidak menyedari kadang2 puncanya hanyalah kekeringan dalaman yang kronik kerana kurang meminum air.
Dalam ruang lain saya ada berbincang tentang dihidrasi. Kita perlu meminum air bersih sekurang2nya 8 gelas sehari. Ada juga tip yang diberikan untuk mengira keperluan air bagi tiap tiap individu mengikut berat badan. Sila baca penulisan sebelum ini tentang cara mengiranya.
Kajian menunujkan 75% dari kita mengalami pelbagai penyakit yang puncanya tidak lain dan tidak bukan, dari didhaidrasi kronik ( chronic dehydration). Dalam keadaan sedemikian badan kita diletakan dalam mode pengurusan kekuntangan ( drought management modea)
Histamine, adalah neurotransmitter penting yang meregulasi mekanisma kehausan untuk merangsang pengambilan air yang lebih banyak dalam badan kita. Ia juga mewujudkan sistem pembahagian ( rationing) air dari sedikit yang ada dalam badan dalam situasi kekuntangan ( drought) badan untuk dibahagi2kan secara samarata kesemua bahagian penting dalam badan.
Jadi peningkatan kadar histamine dalam badan ialah cara bijak badan kitan menangani dihidrasi untuk survival.
Apabila bekalan air dalaman cukup dan stabil, histamine tidak lagi dikeluarkan dan hilanglah alergi atau alahan yang dialami.
6 Langkah Me-Rihidrasi Badan
Ramai menyangka yang ianya meminum air dalam jumlah yang cukup. Jika anda ukur betul2 dengan menggunakan 4-5 botol 500ml air mineral untuk diminum kesemuanya , ternyata kita sebenarnya minum kurang dari itu. Tetapi jika 4 botol air ini dibawa bersam kita seharian baru kita tahu kuantiti sebenarnya yang kita minum.
Untuk mempastikan kita minum iar secukupnya ikut lengkah berikut:
1. Minum air dan bukan minuman lain.
Meminum air bergula dan ber-gas ( karbonat) selain dari air tulin menyebabkan kita mengalami dihidrasi. Caffeine dan alkohol menyebabkan dihidrasi dalam badan.
2. Minum air secukupnya
Tenetukan keperluan air anda mengikut formula berat badan dalam lb/2 dengan hasil jumlah dikira dalam oz ( ounce). Sekiranya anda bergiat dalam senaman atayu sukan, minum air lebih dari jumlah yang dikira mengikut formula ini. Lebih lama anda bersukan dan lebih banyak anda berpeluh/ keringat, lebih banyak air diminum.
3. Ukur dan rekod air yang diminum
Jangan ingat anda rasa anda dah minum cukup bermaana itu betul2 mencukupi. Jadi guna bekas air yang boleh disukat untuk minuman sepanjang hari.
4. Minum air yang ditapis
Jangan percaya air paip bersih dan baik diminum. Guna penapis air yang berkualiti. Harga dilingkunga Rm100.00 sudah ok.
5. Minum air sepanjang hari
Minum air tak boleh macam orang malas dengan melanggah (gulping) sebanyak mungkin dari 4-5 botol 500ml sekali minum supaya jumlah itu cepat habis dan tak perlu berulang2 sepanjang hari. Itu salah dan memberi akibat buruk kepada anda.
Sistem kita boleh menyerap air hanya sekadar 3 kali minum sesuatu waktu. Selepas itu diikuti 20-30 minit berikutnya.
Air tidak berais sangat bagus diminum.
Minum diantara makan ( meals) berfaedah untuk kesihatan. Minum sebelum makan menyebabkan anda tidak makan berlebihan dan amat baik untul menurunkan berat badan.
Jangan minum semasa makan atau terus selepas makan kerana ia akan mencairkan ( dilute) jus penghadaman anda.
6. Campurkan sedikit garam asli - garam bukit atau garam yang tidak diproses
Banyak kencing kerana banyak minum air menyebabkan kekurangan garam dodium dalam badan. Garam sendiri adalah anti histamine asli. Campur hanya 1/4 sudu teh garam dalam air kinuman anda.
Ayuh, jangan tunggu dahaga baru nak minum.
Ingat, kadang2 rasa lapar sebenarnya salahtafsiran anda bagi kehausan.
Penyakit gatal gatal kulit ekzema yang seoalah2 tiada penawarnya, selalau bersin, mata berair, bibir bengkak, dan sebagainya adalah simtom atau gejala alahan/ alergi.
Ramai tidak menyedari kadang2 puncanya hanyalah kekeringan dalaman yang kronik kerana kurang meminum air.
Dalam ruang lain saya ada berbincang tentang dihidrasi. Kita perlu meminum air bersih sekurang2nya 8 gelas sehari. Ada juga tip yang diberikan untuk mengira keperluan air bagi tiap tiap individu mengikut berat badan. Sila baca penulisan sebelum ini tentang cara mengiranya.
Kajian menunujkan 75% dari kita mengalami pelbagai penyakit yang puncanya tidak lain dan tidak bukan, dari didhaidrasi kronik ( chronic dehydration). Dalam keadaan sedemikian badan kita diletakan dalam mode pengurusan kekuntangan ( drought management modea)
Histamine, adalah neurotransmitter penting yang meregulasi mekanisma kehausan untuk merangsang pengambilan air yang lebih banyak dalam badan kita. Ia juga mewujudkan sistem pembahagian ( rationing) air dari sedikit yang ada dalam badan dalam situasi kekuntangan ( drought) badan untuk dibahagi2kan secara samarata kesemua bahagian penting dalam badan.
Jadi peningkatan kadar histamine dalam badan ialah cara bijak badan kitan menangani dihidrasi untuk survival.
Apabila bekalan air dalaman cukup dan stabil, histamine tidak lagi dikeluarkan dan hilanglah alergi atau alahan yang dialami.
6 Langkah Me-Rihidrasi Badan
Ramai menyangka yang ianya meminum air dalam jumlah yang cukup. Jika anda ukur betul2 dengan menggunakan 4-5 botol 500ml air mineral untuk diminum kesemuanya , ternyata kita sebenarnya minum kurang dari itu. Tetapi jika 4 botol air ini dibawa bersam kita seharian baru kita tahu kuantiti sebenarnya yang kita minum.
Untuk mempastikan kita minum iar secukupnya ikut lengkah berikut:
1. Minum air dan bukan minuman lain.
Meminum air bergula dan ber-gas ( karbonat) selain dari air tulin menyebabkan kita mengalami dihidrasi. Caffeine dan alkohol menyebabkan dihidrasi dalam badan.
2. Minum air secukupnya
Tenetukan keperluan air anda mengikut formula berat badan dalam lb/2 dengan hasil jumlah dikira dalam oz ( ounce). Sekiranya anda bergiat dalam senaman atayu sukan, minum air lebih dari jumlah yang dikira mengikut formula ini. Lebih lama anda bersukan dan lebih banyak anda berpeluh/ keringat, lebih banyak air diminum.
3. Ukur dan rekod air yang diminum
Jangan ingat anda rasa anda dah minum cukup bermaana itu betul2 mencukupi. Jadi guna bekas air yang boleh disukat untuk minuman sepanjang hari.
4. Minum air yang ditapis
Jangan percaya air paip bersih dan baik diminum. Guna penapis air yang berkualiti. Harga dilingkunga Rm100.00 sudah ok.
5. Minum air sepanjang hari
Minum air tak boleh macam orang malas dengan melanggah (gulping) sebanyak mungkin dari 4-5 botol 500ml sekali minum supaya jumlah itu cepat habis dan tak perlu berulang2 sepanjang hari. Itu salah dan memberi akibat buruk kepada anda.
Sistem kita boleh menyerap air hanya sekadar 3 kali minum sesuatu waktu. Selepas itu diikuti 20-30 minit berikutnya.
Air tidak berais sangat bagus diminum.
Minum diantara makan ( meals) berfaedah untuk kesihatan. Minum sebelum makan menyebabkan anda tidak makan berlebihan dan amat baik untul menurunkan berat badan.
Jangan minum semasa makan atau terus selepas makan kerana ia akan mencairkan ( dilute) jus penghadaman anda.
6. Campurkan sedikit garam asli - garam bukit atau garam yang tidak diproses
Banyak kencing kerana banyak minum air menyebabkan kekurangan garam dodium dalam badan. Garam sendiri adalah anti histamine asli. Campur hanya 1/4 sudu teh garam dalam air kinuman anda.
Ayuh, jangan tunggu dahaga baru nak minum.
Ingat, kadang2 rasa lapar sebenarnya salahtafsiran anda bagi kehausan.
A Not-SO Friendly print on T-shirt
I may be fat but I can diet. But you are ugly...
She is so fat when she jumps into the sea, the sea level rises.
She is so thin she can slip in between raindrops.
She is so thin, her pyjama has only one stripe.
He is so stupid he sits on TV and watch the couch/ sofa.
He is so stupid he puts lipstick on his head to make up his mind.
She is so fat when she jumps into the sea, the sea level rises.
She is so thin she can slip in between raindrops.
She is so thin, her pyjama has only one stripe.
He is so stupid he sits on TV and watch the couch/ sofa.
He is so stupid he puts lipstick on his head to make up his mind.
Some Wise Words on Health
Of Drugs & Diseases:
- Taking drugs to cure your illness is like defeat the enemy but destroy the battlefield. One disease may be overcome, but your body may be wracked by the side effects of drugs.
- Some wise doctors of the olden days said, " He who takes the medicine and neglects diet wastes the skill of the physician."
- Wellness sags when immunity weakens.
- If I stay 1 extra day not being sick by taking supplement, I have made my purchase worthwhile.
- Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.
Vitamin D and Omega3 May Slash Diabetes Risk
Stephen Daniells 22.7.2011 ( Meta Analysis) stated from research result that increase in intakes of vitamin D are associated with a 13% reduction in the risk of diabetes. ( intake of 500iu/day or greater)
Vitamin D refers to D3 Cholecalcitral and D2 ergocalcutral. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to Metabolic Syndrome i.e impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance.
Vitamin D deficiency in adults were reported to precipitate or excerbate Osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, commom cancers, auto-immune diseases, infectious diseases, and cardio- vascular diseases. ( European Jour. Clinical Nutrition)
Note: Heavy and continuous consumption of high G.I Carbohydrates ( highly processed carbohydrates with loss of fibers and nutrients that are easily and quickly converted to glucose upon eating) lead to excessive release of insulin by pancreas. Over a long period of heavy release of insulin lead to impaired pancreas. When this happens, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome manifest.
Omega3 intake may reduce the risk of Diabetes.
According to the American Jour. of Clinical Nutrition, the nutrition goal is to attain / maintain optimum metabolic functions which includes maintaining normal or close to normal blood glucose levels, improving blood lipid and lipoprotein profiles , and reducing blood pressure.
The above goals are related to the prevention or reversal of underlying conditions associated with diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and kidney damage or nephropathy.
WHO reports indicated that Diabetes affected 220 million people globally, and the consequence of high blood sugar kill 3.4 million people yearly.
" Diabetes, together with hypertension and elevated cholesterol is topping the list of diet related illness that is killing people and welfare budgets." Peter Winnstom
Eating wrong is one of the biggest threats to our lives. The best selling medicines of today are drugs that treat obesity, type2 diabetes, and high level cholesterol.
Peter Wennstom of Branding and Nutrition Expert & President of Healthy Marketing Team ( Sweden) further said that efforts should be toward intercepting consumers between supermarket and the emergency ward.
A point to note: Take note before you eat and drink anything. Once swallowed its a 'deal done'. Good luck.
Vitamin D refers to D3 Cholecalcitral and D2 ergocalcutral. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to Metabolic Syndrome i.e impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance.
Vitamin D deficiency in adults were reported to precipitate or excerbate Osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, commom cancers, auto-immune diseases, infectious diseases, and cardio- vascular diseases. ( European Jour. Clinical Nutrition)
Note: Heavy and continuous consumption of high G.I Carbohydrates ( highly processed carbohydrates with loss of fibers and nutrients that are easily and quickly converted to glucose upon eating) lead to excessive release of insulin by pancreas. Over a long period of heavy release of insulin lead to impaired pancreas. When this happens, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome manifest.
Omega3 intake may reduce the risk of Diabetes.
According to the American Jour. of Clinical Nutrition, the nutrition goal is to attain / maintain optimum metabolic functions which includes maintaining normal or close to normal blood glucose levels, improving blood lipid and lipoprotein profiles , and reducing blood pressure.
The above goals are related to the prevention or reversal of underlying conditions associated with diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and kidney damage or nephropathy.
WHO reports indicated that Diabetes affected 220 million people globally, and the consequence of high blood sugar kill 3.4 million people yearly.
" Diabetes, together with hypertension and elevated cholesterol is topping the list of diet related illness that is killing people and welfare budgets." Peter Winnstom
Eating wrong is one of the biggest threats to our lives. The best selling medicines of today are drugs that treat obesity, type2 diabetes, and high level cholesterol.
Peter Wennstom of Branding and Nutrition Expert & President of Healthy Marketing Team ( Sweden) further said that efforts should be toward intercepting consumers between supermarket and the emergency ward.
A point to note: Take note before you eat and drink anything. Once swallowed its a 'deal done'. Good luck.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
3 Special Healthy Recipes You can try out
If you have not been to the kitchen since (when?), then you better try it today. Its fun and its healthy. If you have seen what are at the back there (some restaurant kitchens), and what kind of people are handling the food that you LOVE, their long and filthy fingernails, their dirty hands, unwashed shirts and pants?.... My God!
Lets have clean and healthy food and drinks, joyfully made by our own hands...
1. Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake
1/2 ripe banana
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
3/4 cup skimmed milk
1/2 scoop chocolate powder
Mix all the ingredients, blend and drink.
You can add ice if you like. .................hey is it hard to do it? yap if u are lazzzy!
2. Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup pumpkin ( steamed first)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp pecan or walnut or almond or mix them all
3/4 cup cold water ( I mean COLD)
Blend, pour into a glass and enjoy it.
Hey what's cooking? NO COOKING
3. Cinnamon Apple Pancake
1 1/2 cup gluten free pancake mix
1 egg
1/2 scoop whey protein powder with vanilla
1 tablespoon unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup almond milk
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Incorporate all the ingredients, mix and batter
heat the pan to 350 degrees and wipe oil lightly with towel or tissues
Pour the pancake batter
While cooking drop chopped apple before turning it to the other side.
Cook till brown both sides.
Lets have clean and healthy food and drinks, joyfully made by our own hands...
1. Peanut Butter Banana Breakfast Shake
1/2 ripe banana
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
3/4 cup skimmed milk
1/2 scoop chocolate powder
Mix all the ingredients, blend and drink.
You can add ice if you like. .................hey is it hard to do it? yap if u are lazzzy!
2. Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup pumpkin ( steamed first)
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp pecan or walnut or almond or mix them all
3/4 cup cold water ( I mean COLD)
Blend, pour into a glass and enjoy it.
Hey what's cooking? NO COOKING
3. Cinnamon Apple Pancake
1 1/2 cup gluten free pancake mix
1 egg
1/2 scoop whey protein powder with vanilla
1 tablespoon unsweetened applesauce
3/4 cup almond milk
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
Incorporate all the ingredients, mix and batter
heat the pan to 350 degrees and wipe oil lightly with towel or tissues
Pour the pancake batter
While cooking drop chopped apple before turning it to the other side.
Cook till brown both sides.
Stop Sugar Craving - eat protein!
Sugar craving is bad for health. And you know it as I have written quite a bit on this in the blog.
Eating protein can stop sugar craving. Better still if you can get hold of whey protein powder to make shake or smoothie and drink.
Numerous researches show that whey protein promotes satiety ( filling full and satisfied) and prevent over-eating better than most other food.
Whey protein contains alpha-lactalbumin which is essential to your fat-loss goals.
Whey protein also boosts diet-induced thermogenesis i.e it will help you burn more calories just by eating it.
Try it today.
Eating protein can stop sugar craving. Better still if you can get hold of whey protein powder to make shake or smoothie and drink.
Numerous researches show that whey protein promotes satiety ( filling full and satisfied) and prevent over-eating better than most other food.
Whey protein contains alpha-lactalbumin which is essential to your fat-loss goals.
Whey protein also boosts diet-induced thermogenesis i.e it will help you burn more calories just by eating it.
Try it today.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Too Much Sugar, Too Much Acid & Too Little Water in Your Body- CAN KILL
Many things can kill a person - a bullet, snake bite, drugs, falling from a 20 storey building, a heart attack, or being choked by spouse...or by nothing but just the time is up!
People tend to conveniently avoid thinking of his or her own death - when, how or where it is going to happen. One can be fit and healthy with no illness detected at all, but its a drunken truck driver who, out of the blues rammed on him while jogging. Yet there are some who have been ailing on virtual death bed for years with no response to endless medications, but drag on almost lifelessly...and not dead yet.
Some lucky ones go on their lives eating whatever they want, whenever they feel like eating, and however much they want to gobble, with no exercise, no supplements, no medicines and above all NO WORRIES and still live to tell their stories. These last group of 'lucky' souls come in varying shapes and colours: very fat, not so fat, thin, limping, skin with all kinds of dirty marks, blurry eyes, foul smelling bodies, -- but seldom tall, dark and handsome.
We cannot leave life to luck alone. If given a choice between health and sickness, most every one wants to be healthy, very healthy and with lots of money. But nothing is free in the world. Even to be sick cost money. Most of the time it costs more money to be sick than to be healthy.
Some health products pusher once quipped," if you think it is expensive to be healthy, wait till you are sick - expensive, painful and may be disliked by the 'loved ones' if you take too long to die."
The bottom line is the desire with efforts to be healthy, the knowledge it requires to be healthy, and some time & financial investment to achieve the goal. And of course no procrastination.
People say procrastinators have eight days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and someday. That someday never comes.
The discussion in this section is on The Three Evils that Ravage Your Health silently as you go on living freely without worries: Sugar spikes, Acidic wastes, and Dehydration.
1. Sugar Spikes: Everyone knows one way or another that too much sugar ( sucrose) is no good for health. People with some brain and with some interest to live longer will not jump of a speeding car he or she is driving. But this same person sometimes knowingly drives a car with faulty brakes. May be the brain focuses only on speeding and not on stopping- on time and safely. Likewise, while excess sugar ( obvious enemy) is being gingerly avoided in coffee or tea, the hidden enemies like cokes and pepsis or other carbonated drinks, pan cakes, roti canai, mee kari, donuts, pizza and white rice especially fragrant rice are eaten freely not realizing that these food are more dangerous than table sugar when it comes to sugar spike after eating or drinking.
Sugar spike is an abrupt build-up of sugar (glucose) in the body after eating or drinking foods that are either too high in sugar like the colas, or highly processed Carbohydrates with no fibers and vitamins as those found in the above-mentioned food that, upon entry in the body will quickly be converted to glucose ( even faster than table sugar converting to glucose after eating).
When too much sugar is in the blood system, the body, through pancreas will release a lot of insulin. Beyond what it can deliver to cells for energy to function, excess glucose will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Stored fat can again be converted to glucose and used in the future in time of hunger or starvation. But if excess sugar is brought in to the body daily by bad diet, a person can become fat fast. In addition, the pancreas get exhausted of continuous production of insulin. When that happens you get fat and diabetes, and perhaps if you are not lucky enough, insulin injections. So, sugar spike make you sick and weak which leads to other chronic diseases like kidney problems, heart problems etc.
2. Acidic Wastes accumulation:
Acidic wastes are formed after eating too much bad food, if not expelled from the body through urination, sweat, and passing motion ( defecation) can lead to many health problems. Erosion of roots of teeth and bones due to carbonate or calcium 'scraping' by the internal body acid-alkaline balance can lead to osteoporosis and loss of teeth. Joint pains both on fingers, toes and knees are also largely attributed to conditions of acidity.
Acidity also hinders efforts in weight loss by making fats sticking inside the body more stubbornly making dieting and exercise less effective. Removal of excess acid helps in relieving gastric problems, ulcers, bloating. Cancer cells thrive in the environment of acidity and high sugar as cancer cells feed on sugars.
Drinking a lot of clean water, especially alkaline water and eating alkaline foods ( green vegetables etc) help internal acid-alkaline balance. Alkaline drops have been formulated by USA and one local company in Malaysia to address the problems of acidity effectively. A mere 2 drops in a 500ml water can boost the pH from 7 to pH9 or more.
Email me at for information on locally manufactured Alkaline Drops for body acid-alkaline balance.
3. Dehydration:
In fact, the three topics of Sugar spikes, Acidic Wastes, and Dehydration have been discussed in the blog. But among the many things that can adversely affect our health in silent and gradual manner are these three factors.
If we can minimize sugar spikes, acidic wastes and dehydration, we are less likely to be exposed to chronic diseases.
Dehydration is unfortunately not realized by people who experience them. Only serious dehydration can show itself in the forms of dry skin, dry mouth, itchiness, sleepiness, constipation or high blood pressure, or headaches.
Re-hydration will not show its effects immediately though one may feel satisfied after a thirst quenching drink of water. Water needs to flow at cellular level to be absorbed by the thirsty cells and tissues. It may take more than one day to be effective.
In order to avoid dehydration, we must drink lots of water many times a day. At the earlier stage of re-hydration ( drinking more water) we may start to have the urge to urinate more and frequently. Its a good thing to do. But after a week or so, when there is water stability in the system ( complete re-hydration), our urination patters will be less frequent.
As mentioned in other writings, good urine is Clean, Clear and Copious. Do it, and do it regularly, but not in front of people.
So, stay healthy and fit by taking good Low Glycemic Carbohydrates so there is no sugar spike after meals. Eat lots of green foods and drink alkaline water to be less acidic inside, and Drink lots of water daily to avoid dehydration. TQ
Note: Low G.I Carbohydrates : High fiber flour / fruits & vegetables with vitamins and minerals not removed in the milling or cooking process. It has the property of slow and gradual release of sugar ( from Carbohydrates to Glucose) and therefore not requiring high insulin release.
High G.I Carbohydrates: Highly processed carbohydrates for commercial production of flour, cakes, biscuits, bread, pasta , mee, etc that upon consuming will cause sugar spike in the system which pushes a surge in insulin release. Excess sugar produced will be stored in the form of fat, thereby making people fat in the long run.
People tend to conveniently avoid thinking of his or her own death - when, how or where it is going to happen. One can be fit and healthy with no illness detected at all, but its a drunken truck driver who, out of the blues rammed on him while jogging. Yet there are some who have been ailing on virtual death bed for years with no response to endless medications, but drag on almost lifelessly...and not dead yet.
Some lucky ones go on their lives eating whatever they want, whenever they feel like eating, and however much they want to gobble, with no exercise, no supplements, no medicines and above all NO WORRIES and still live to tell their stories. These last group of 'lucky' souls come in varying shapes and colours: very fat, not so fat, thin, limping, skin with all kinds of dirty marks, blurry eyes, foul smelling bodies, -- but seldom tall, dark and handsome.
We cannot leave life to luck alone. If given a choice between health and sickness, most every one wants to be healthy, very healthy and with lots of money. But nothing is free in the world. Even to be sick cost money. Most of the time it costs more money to be sick than to be healthy.
Some health products pusher once quipped," if you think it is expensive to be healthy, wait till you are sick - expensive, painful and may be disliked by the 'loved ones' if you take too long to die."
The bottom line is the desire with efforts to be healthy, the knowledge it requires to be healthy, and some time & financial investment to achieve the goal. And of course no procrastination.
People say procrastinators have eight days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and someday. That someday never comes.
The discussion in this section is on The Three Evils that Ravage Your Health silently as you go on living freely without worries: Sugar spikes, Acidic wastes, and Dehydration.
1. Sugar Spikes: Everyone knows one way or another that too much sugar ( sucrose) is no good for health. People with some brain and with some interest to live longer will not jump of a speeding car he or she is driving. But this same person sometimes knowingly drives a car with faulty brakes. May be the brain focuses only on speeding and not on stopping- on time and safely. Likewise, while excess sugar ( obvious enemy) is being gingerly avoided in coffee or tea, the hidden enemies like cokes and pepsis or other carbonated drinks, pan cakes, roti canai, mee kari, donuts, pizza and white rice especially fragrant rice are eaten freely not realizing that these food are more dangerous than table sugar when it comes to sugar spike after eating or drinking.
Sugar spike is an abrupt build-up of sugar (glucose) in the body after eating or drinking foods that are either too high in sugar like the colas, or highly processed Carbohydrates with no fibers and vitamins as those found in the above-mentioned food that, upon entry in the body will quickly be converted to glucose ( even faster than table sugar converting to glucose after eating).
When too much sugar is in the blood system, the body, through pancreas will release a lot of insulin. Beyond what it can deliver to cells for energy to function, excess glucose will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Stored fat can again be converted to glucose and used in the future in time of hunger or starvation. But if excess sugar is brought in to the body daily by bad diet, a person can become fat fast. In addition, the pancreas get exhausted of continuous production of insulin. When that happens you get fat and diabetes, and perhaps if you are not lucky enough, insulin injections. So, sugar spike make you sick and weak which leads to other chronic diseases like kidney problems, heart problems etc.
2. Acidic Wastes accumulation:
Acidic wastes are formed after eating too much bad food, if not expelled from the body through urination, sweat, and passing motion ( defecation) can lead to many health problems. Erosion of roots of teeth and bones due to carbonate or calcium 'scraping' by the internal body acid-alkaline balance can lead to osteoporosis and loss of teeth. Joint pains both on fingers, toes and knees are also largely attributed to conditions of acidity.
Acidity also hinders efforts in weight loss by making fats sticking inside the body more stubbornly making dieting and exercise less effective. Removal of excess acid helps in relieving gastric problems, ulcers, bloating. Cancer cells thrive in the environment of acidity and high sugar as cancer cells feed on sugars.
Drinking a lot of clean water, especially alkaline water and eating alkaline foods ( green vegetables etc) help internal acid-alkaline balance. Alkaline drops have been formulated by USA and one local company in Malaysia to address the problems of acidity effectively. A mere 2 drops in a 500ml water can boost the pH from 7 to pH9 or more.
Email me at for information on locally manufactured Alkaline Drops for body acid-alkaline balance.
3. Dehydration:
In fact, the three topics of Sugar spikes, Acidic Wastes, and Dehydration have been discussed in the blog. But among the many things that can adversely affect our health in silent and gradual manner are these three factors.
If we can minimize sugar spikes, acidic wastes and dehydration, we are less likely to be exposed to chronic diseases.
Dehydration is unfortunately not realized by people who experience them. Only serious dehydration can show itself in the forms of dry skin, dry mouth, itchiness, sleepiness, constipation or high blood pressure, or headaches.
Re-hydration will not show its effects immediately though one may feel satisfied after a thirst quenching drink of water. Water needs to flow at cellular level to be absorbed by the thirsty cells and tissues. It may take more than one day to be effective.
In order to avoid dehydration, we must drink lots of water many times a day. At the earlier stage of re-hydration ( drinking more water) we may start to have the urge to urinate more and frequently. Its a good thing to do. But after a week or so, when there is water stability in the system ( complete re-hydration), our urination patters will be less frequent.
As mentioned in other writings, good urine is Clean, Clear and Copious. Do it, and do it regularly, but not in front of people.
So, stay healthy and fit by taking good Low Glycemic Carbohydrates so there is no sugar spike after meals. Eat lots of green foods and drink alkaline water to be less acidic inside, and Drink lots of water daily to avoid dehydration. TQ
Note: Low G.I Carbohydrates : High fiber flour / fruits & vegetables with vitamins and minerals not removed in the milling or cooking process. It has the property of slow and gradual release of sugar ( from Carbohydrates to Glucose) and therefore not requiring high insulin release.
High G.I Carbohydrates: Highly processed carbohydrates for commercial production of flour, cakes, biscuits, bread, pasta , mee, etc that upon consuming will cause sugar spike in the system which pushes a surge in insulin release. Excess sugar produced will be stored in the form of fat, thereby making people fat in the long run.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Klea Wata ( Clear Water) secara berjenaka sebenarnya ialah Air Bersih, iaitu topik yang saya ingin bincang dalam ruang ini.
Rata rata ramai diantara kita tidak menyedari kita sedang mengalami kekeringan dalaman atau dehydration . Untuk mengembalikan kandungan air dalam badan mencukupi kita perlu melakukan rehydration atau rihidrasi ( meMelayukan perkataan Inggeris). Ini agak lebih baik dari perkataan bagasi ( untuk beg ) yang selalu kita jumpa di Terminal Lapangan Terbang atau Bandara.
Perkataan Melayu terlalu banyak bagi alat mengisi atau mengangkut seperti: Karung, bakul, raga, kampit, jaras, belom ( Kedah), .... tapi bagasi yang dipilih. Lebih baik gergasi- lagi besar sikit.
Berbalik kepada AIR yang sangat penting bagi yang minat hidup lama, element penting ini kita buat slambe aje . Hidup bermula dari air. Ada banyak jenis air -- air hujan, air laut, air kolam, air perigi, air telaga, air mineral, air paip, air muka, air terjun, air tebu, air kepala ( sori..air kelapa).
Kekurangan air dalam badan menyebabkan kekeringan dalaman. Bila badan tak cukup air kita mula dahaga atau haus, tekak kering, bibir juga kering, dan air kencing jadi kuning dan tak banyak serta tak jerneh.
Petanda kekurangan air ialah kepala pening, mengantuk, kulit kering, kulit gatal gatal, mata pun kurang air dan kering sehingga rasa tak selesa, buang air besar pun agak kurang lancar kerana sembelit.
Dihidrasi menyebabkan darah menjadi pekat dan boleh menyebabkan tekanan darah lebih tinggi.
Jika kita mengalami alahan atau allergi, doktor akan beri kita anti histamine untuk menghilangkan alahan seperti gatal2, bibir jadi tebal, mengantuk gile, mata berair dll.
Ini disebabkan badan kita mengeluarkan histamine.
Jika anda tersilap makan udang busuk, ikan pari yang tak fresh, atau tersedut debunga ( pollen), alahan dari ini menyebabkan badan mengeluarkan histamine sebagai tindakbalas penyelamat.
Jika kekeringan dalaman terjadi agak serious dan lama, otak anda memberi signal kepada sistem dalaman yang tuan badan itu akan mati kehausan. Untuk menangkis pendek umur kerana nak minum pun malas, badan anda menghasilan histamine yang bertindak meng-ekonomikan ketaburan air dalaman supaya semua bahagian dapat air sana sedikit sini sedikit. Tetapi malangnya histamin datang dengan kos nya sekali, iaitu alahan atau allergi. ( padan muka sebab malas minum,,)
Jadi jika kadang kadang anda mengalami allergi, kemungkinan besar anda kehausan. Punyalah bodoh dan malas, haus sampai susah nak bernafas pun tak nak minum air.
Jadi kita kena minum air bersih sekurang2nya 8 gelas besar tiap2 hari.
Berat badan anda dalam paun (lb) dibahagi 2 = Jumlah air anda perlukan sehari dalam kiraan ounce (oz). Jika berat badan anda 350lb ( eh comelnye dia!), jumlah air minuman harian ialah 350/2= 175 oz ( ambil engkau)- macam satu baldi nampaknya. Apa boleh buat badan macam gajah...he he
Cara Minum Air ..............haii, nak minum air pun kena tunjuk caranya!!!
Rata rata ramai diantara kita tidak menyedari kita sedang mengalami kekeringan dalaman atau dehydration . Untuk mengembalikan kandungan air dalam badan mencukupi kita perlu melakukan rehydration atau rihidrasi ( meMelayukan perkataan Inggeris). Ini agak lebih baik dari perkataan bagasi ( untuk beg ) yang selalu kita jumpa di Terminal Lapangan Terbang atau Bandara.
Perkataan Melayu terlalu banyak bagi alat mengisi atau mengangkut seperti: Karung, bakul, raga, kampit, jaras, belom ( Kedah), .... tapi bagasi yang dipilih. Lebih baik gergasi- lagi besar sikit.
Berbalik kepada AIR yang sangat penting bagi yang minat hidup lama, element penting ini kita buat slambe aje . Hidup bermula dari air. Ada banyak jenis air -- air hujan, air laut, air kolam, air perigi, air telaga, air mineral, air paip, air muka, air terjun, air tebu, air kepala ( sori..air kelapa).
Kekurangan air dalam badan menyebabkan kekeringan dalaman. Bila badan tak cukup air kita mula dahaga atau haus, tekak kering, bibir juga kering, dan air kencing jadi kuning dan tak banyak serta tak jerneh.
Petanda kekurangan air ialah kepala pening, mengantuk, kulit kering, kulit gatal gatal, mata pun kurang air dan kering sehingga rasa tak selesa, buang air besar pun agak kurang lancar kerana sembelit.
Dihidrasi menyebabkan darah menjadi pekat dan boleh menyebabkan tekanan darah lebih tinggi.
Jika kita mengalami alahan atau allergi, doktor akan beri kita anti histamine untuk menghilangkan alahan seperti gatal2, bibir jadi tebal, mengantuk gile, mata berair dll.
Ini disebabkan badan kita mengeluarkan histamine.
Jika anda tersilap makan udang busuk, ikan pari yang tak fresh, atau tersedut debunga ( pollen), alahan dari ini menyebabkan badan mengeluarkan histamine sebagai tindakbalas penyelamat.
Jika kekeringan dalaman terjadi agak serious dan lama, otak anda memberi signal kepada sistem dalaman yang tuan badan itu akan mati kehausan. Untuk menangkis pendek umur kerana nak minum pun malas, badan anda menghasilan histamine yang bertindak meng-ekonomikan ketaburan air dalaman supaya semua bahagian dapat air sana sedikit sini sedikit. Tetapi malangnya histamin datang dengan kos nya sekali, iaitu alahan atau allergi. ( padan muka sebab malas minum,,)
Jadi jika kadang kadang anda mengalami allergi, kemungkinan besar anda kehausan. Punyalah bodoh dan malas, haus sampai susah nak bernafas pun tak nak minum air.
Jadi kita kena minum air bersih sekurang2nya 8 gelas besar tiap2 hari.
Berat badan anda dalam paun (lb) dibahagi 2 = Jumlah air anda perlukan sehari dalam kiraan ounce (oz). Jika berat badan anda 350lb ( eh comelnye dia!), jumlah air minuman harian ialah 350/2= 175 oz ( ambil engkau)- macam satu baldi nampaknya. Apa boleh buat badan macam gajah...he he
Cara Minum Air ..............haii, nak minum air pun kena tunjuk caranya!!!
- Sekali minum tak boleh lebih dari 3 teguk.
- Selepas 3 teguk tunggu dalam 15-20 minit baru minum lagi.
- Sebelum minum lihat dulu dalam gelas minuman supaya dipastikan ianya bersih ( tak ada buaya dalam gelas tu..)
- Jangan hembus nafas dalam gelas minuman kerana Karbon dioksida bila masuk dalam air jadi berasid.
- Minum lebih dari 8 gelas sehari lagi baik untuk anda, kecuali bagi yang ada masalah buah pinggang/ ginjal.
- Sebelum tidur elok meminum segelas air suam/ angat dengan peraha lemon kuning sedikit. Walau pun ianya masam ( asid), tetapi peleknya, lemon bertindak alkali iaitu anti asid. Amalan ini menolong liver anda membuang asid dan toksik semasa anda tidur. Bagi yang tak tidur malam kerana melepak dikedai mamak memanjang, maaf lah liver oi. Tak rehatlah anda keran bos anda tak pandai berhenti makan. Tak apa tak lama lagi dia berhenti terus buat selam lamanya. Inna lilla.......
- Apabila bangun pagi juga mulakan dengan meminum segelas air seperti malam tadi juga sebelum berkumur. Nanti kencing mudah dan buang air besar juga senang dan selesa.
- Jika nak pastikan banyak buanganb berasid yang terperangkap di keluarkan dari sistem anda, minumlah air alkali pada pH 8 hingga 9.5. Boss, air Zamzam pHhampir 13 tau.
- Minum air sebelum makan. Amalan ini memotong nafsu makan. Tak lah cepat tembam.
- Kadang kadang rasa lapar itu sebenarnya anda dahaga. Lebih baik minum air dulu dan kemungkinan rasa lapar hilang. Lagi pula, save le sikit duit tu.
- Sambil makan jangan minum air, terutama sekali air ber ice. Lagi pula air sejuk memekatkan lemak yang dimakan memudahkan anda kena serangan jantung depan meja makan. Bukan apa, takut muka tenggelam dalam mangkuk kari pula...
- Seeloknya minum air setengah jam lepas makan supaya asid penghadaman tidak cair dan lemah untuk mengganyang apa yang anda baham ( sori kasar sikit ye)
- Kalu minum kat kedai mamak jangan lupa bayar k?
Empat Pelengkap dari Ibn Khaladah
Nabi Muhammad s.a.w pernah bersabda dengan maksud : jika anda mahukan petua kesihatan tanyalah Ibn Khaladah.
Berikut adalah sebahagian dari petua nya:
Jika anda mahu sihat sehingga umur lanjut amalkan lah 4 yang berikut:
Berikut adalah sebahagian dari petua nya:
Jika anda mahu sihat sehingga umur lanjut amalkan lah 4 yang berikut:
- Bersarapan diawal pagi
- Makan malam diawal waktu dan jangan tangguh
- Elak dari kerja berat sebagai kerja harian, dan
- jangan terlalu berlebihan sex ( itu anda kira sendiri k?)
- Melakukan hubungan sex semasa perut penuh
- Tidur selepas makan
- makan terlalu banyak
- Terlalu banyak sex
- Fikiran negatif, selalu kesedihan, banyak berlapar, dan kurang tidur
- Melihat benda berwarna hijau ( ahli PAS amacam? he he)
- Memerhati air yang mengalir ( bukan memencut!)
- Memandang wajah orang yang disayangi, dan
- Memandang buah buahan
- Berjalan kaki ayam ( tanpa kasut)
- Mempamerkan wajah kusut dan muram
- Terlalu banyak menangis, dan
- Suka merenung kepada benda benda halus.
- Memakai pakaian lembut
- Rajin mandi
- Memakan sedikit makanan manis dan berlemak, dan
- Menggunakan wangian.
- Selalu berbohong
- Hilang rasa malu dan tak bermaruah
- Kuat merungut, dan
- Bergiat dalam aktiviti tidak bermoral.
- Berintegriti tinggi
- Bercakap benar
- Melakukan kerja bermanfaat atau baik, dan
- Takut kepada Allah
- Bercakap besar
- iri hati dan cemburu
- Berbohong, dan
- Membuat tuduhan palsu ( sai......?)
Acidic Wastes - the Silent Killer inside you
We eat, we urinate, we sweat, and we excrete. But do we do them well, and on regular basis?
Remember the 70s computer age cliche' garbage in garbage out? This cliche is applicable to us only if do not suffer frequent constipation ( garbage in and only some garbage out) by eating high fiber foods, fruits and vegetables. It is also not applicable if we are always dehydrated for not drinking enough water and of course not urinating enough, and neither is it so if we never sweat ( high fever excluded!)
Not all food and drink we consume are wholly used by the body during digestion. The remnants will become wastes that are acidic which must be expelled from the body through urination, sweating and defecation.
Those who do not consume enough water, with low consumption of fiber such as fruits and vegetables and good carbohydrates, normally suffer from regular constipation ( spells irregularity).
For the couch potatoes who spend too much time watching TV or playing video games, sweating is Greek to them. Not only do they smell crumpled old bedspread, but their armpits make dead skunk smells good.
Good urine has 3Cs: Clean, Clear, and Copious meaning a lot of urine which is clear and not yellowish in colour ( unless you have just gobbled vitamin B complex),or ate a big chunk of meat in the last meal.
So lack of exercise to sweat, poor urination because of frequent dehydration, and constipation, much of the acidic wastes is trapped inside the body.
If you are too lazy to get rid of your acids, your body will do some auto-correction to reduce acidity by stealing some calcium or carbonates either from your bones or your teeth. The resultant effects? osteoporosis or ( stop laughing) loss of teeth.
Also if your blood becomes just slightly acidic ( too much acid you die of old age at 40), it will cause scratches on the blood vessel linings. These scratches will trap fats and cholesterol floating within the vessels to form bumps. Over a period of time these bumps will constrict the vessels causing inflammation. Impeded blood flow resulting from such situation leads to High Blood Pressure.
Trapped acidic wastes in joints ( fingers and toes) result in pain in those parts especially upon getting out of bed in the morning. The joint cartilage can get hardened and brittle faster making simple leg and back bending torturous.
So if you can get rid of the acidic wastes efficiently, you can regain some of those lost health, but not your doggone teeth.
The solutions? Eat alkalizing food and drink alkaline water. That will be another topic we shall discuss....
Remember the 70s computer age cliche' garbage in garbage out? This cliche is applicable to us only if do not suffer frequent constipation ( garbage in and only some garbage out) by eating high fiber foods, fruits and vegetables. It is also not applicable if we are always dehydrated for not drinking enough water and of course not urinating enough, and neither is it so if we never sweat ( high fever excluded!)
Not all food and drink we consume are wholly used by the body during digestion. The remnants will become wastes that are acidic which must be expelled from the body through urination, sweating and defecation.
Those who do not consume enough water, with low consumption of fiber such as fruits and vegetables and good carbohydrates, normally suffer from regular constipation ( spells irregularity).
For the couch potatoes who spend too much time watching TV or playing video games, sweating is Greek to them. Not only do they smell crumpled old bedspread, but their armpits make dead skunk smells good.
Good urine has 3Cs: Clean, Clear, and Copious meaning a lot of urine which is clear and not yellowish in colour ( unless you have just gobbled vitamin B complex),or ate a big chunk of meat in the last meal.
So lack of exercise to sweat, poor urination because of frequent dehydration, and constipation, much of the acidic wastes is trapped inside the body.
If you are too lazy to get rid of your acids, your body will do some auto-correction to reduce acidity by stealing some calcium or carbonates either from your bones or your teeth. The resultant effects? osteoporosis or ( stop laughing) loss of teeth.
Also if your blood becomes just slightly acidic ( too much acid you die of old age at 40), it will cause scratches on the blood vessel linings. These scratches will trap fats and cholesterol floating within the vessels to form bumps. Over a period of time these bumps will constrict the vessels causing inflammation. Impeded blood flow resulting from such situation leads to High Blood Pressure.
Trapped acidic wastes in joints ( fingers and toes) result in pain in those parts especially upon getting out of bed in the morning. The joint cartilage can get hardened and brittle faster making simple leg and back bending torturous.
So if you can get rid of the acidic wastes efficiently, you can regain some of those lost health, but not your doggone teeth.
The solutions? Eat alkalizing food and drink alkaline water. That will be another topic we shall discuss....
Acidic Wastes inside Your Body Harm Your Health
Aging or sickness due to old age is nothing more than extreme acidosis. Acidosis is the result of too much acidic wastes trapped inside your body wracking havoc to your health.
All foods and drinks we take daily, good or bad , in excess of the body needs will become acidic wastes which must be excreted by your body. The body excretes unwanted wastes ( solid or liquid) through sweat, urine and defecation.
More often than not our waste disposal channels are never efficiently utilized. Lack of drinking water leads to poor or low volume urination which does not help much in removing wastes from our body. By drinking more water you encourage frequent urination and higher urine discharge which is important to remove acid and other toxic fluid.
Lack, or no exercise daily results in the body not sweating. Not sweating means one channel of acidic removal not utilized. That is why those who sweat little or irregularly don't smell too friendly. If they sweat, it will be salty as trapped salt is released. As such sweating not only expels acid, it also helps in reducing High blood pressure by reducing unwanted Sodium in your body. Another good benefit of sweating ( normally achieved when you run or move actively) is that you feel physically and emotionally good.
All foods and drinks we take daily, good or bad , in excess of the body needs will become acidic wastes which must be excreted by your body. The body excretes unwanted wastes ( solid or liquid) through sweat, urine and defecation.
More often than not our waste disposal channels are never efficiently utilized. Lack of drinking water leads to poor or low volume urination which does not help much in removing wastes from our body. By drinking more water you encourage frequent urination and higher urine discharge which is important to remove acid and other toxic fluid.
Lack, or no exercise daily results in the body not sweating. Not sweating means one channel of acidic removal not utilized. That is why those who sweat little or irregularly don't smell too friendly. If they sweat, it will be salty as trapped salt is released. As such sweating not only expels acid, it also helps in reducing High blood pressure by reducing unwanted Sodium in your body. Another good benefit of sweating ( normally achieved when you run or move actively) is that you feel physically and emotionally good.
Your Health Sickness Trinity: Carbohydrates, Glucose and Fats
If you understand these three things ( Carbohydrates, Glucose and Fats), you are surely on the highway to health. Health, like wealth must be earned by working smart to attain and maintain it. To work smart needs knowledge of the roles of the trinity in your body.
People assume that eating fattty food is the reason people get fat. They are wrong.
Those with diabetes feel they are doing good to their bodies by just taking bread or some cakes, but not sugar. Again, not so correct- carbohydrates ( bad carbo) spike sugar faster than table sugar that you put in your coffee.
Table sugar is sucrose, which after entering your body will be converted to glucose for your body to use as energy. Similarly, carbohydrates are also converted to glucose in your body after eating.
Not all sugars or carbohydrates taken will be fully utilised as at times we tend to eat too much. So the remaining glucose from the food eaten will be stored in the form of fat.
The fat converted from glucose or carbohydrates are stored in your body cells like money saved in the bank to be used in times of need. In this case, in times of hunger or starvation, stored fat will be reconverted into energy source for survival.
But if YOU keep gobbling carbohydrates and sugar endlessly, you will both be fat and diabetic.
Next, I will elaborate more on how to use those wisely so you stay healthy.
People assume that eating fattty food is the reason people get fat. They are wrong.
Those with diabetes feel they are doing good to their bodies by just taking bread or some cakes, but not sugar. Again, not so correct- carbohydrates ( bad carbo) spike sugar faster than table sugar that you put in your coffee.
Table sugar is sucrose, which after entering your body will be converted to glucose for your body to use as energy. Similarly, carbohydrates are also converted to glucose in your body after eating.
Not all sugars or carbohydrates taken will be fully utilised as at times we tend to eat too much. So the remaining glucose from the food eaten will be stored in the form of fat.
The fat converted from glucose or carbohydrates are stored in your body cells like money saved in the bank to be used in times of need. In this case, in times of hunger or starvation, stored fat will be reconverted into energy source for survival.
But if YOU keep gobbling carbohydrates and sugar endlessly, you will both be fat and diabetic.
Next, I will elaborate more on how to use those wisely so you stay healthy.
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