After the age of 50 one starts to worry about declining health. Despite increase in longevity with availability of drugs and supplements, and all kinds of information on health, the percentage of people living on pills ( drugs etc) is on the increase.
High blood pressure, diabetes and of course obesity are fast encroaching to the younger age groups.
Two things that worry people a great deal are Cholesterol and triglycerides ( fats). The whole modern world is spending trillions of dollars yearly on drugs to reduce the two culprits.
But are they real or just the boogymen of health the scare the hell out of us into spending our hard-earned money?
Do you realize that 50% of those having heart attacks have normal cholesterol and fat levels in their bodies? I know of a health freak friend whom I rated 10/10 on his health, physique and his activities in sports for health. But why did he have a major first heart attack that nearly took his life?
He was shocked when I stared straight into his eyes said that he had a high level of Homocysteine. He gave a loud 100% surprised YES. He said not many doctors were aware of such condition.
About 30 years ago a Professor at Harvard University discovered the association of homocysteiene with heart attack. But since he also found that regular taking of a small dose of aspirin or a daily dose of vitamin B6 and B12 plus Folic acid could do the trick, his research grant funder ( Pharma giant) asked him to stop the research and stop writing about it. Don't let the cat out of the box.
He insisted on pursuing the research and talk about it. The grant was stopped and he was kicked out of a Harvard teaching post.
Why? BECAUSE it is a cheap way of averting heart attack.
AND if you have to swallow daily fistful doses of cholesterol and fat busting pills ( which is not neccessary and not effective anyway, plus some side effects) then the Big Pharmas keep getting filthy richer.
What is homocysteine?
It is an amino acid produced internally from dietary protein metabolism. It can be recycled as another amino acid with the help of vitamin B12 and Folate. Without enough of the two, the cycle becomes faulty and homocysteine level rise in the blood. Elevated homocysteine levels is associated with:
- deep vein thrombosis
- Coronary artery disease, and
- Stroke
He may think you are talking about a 16 year old homesexual.
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