Monday, August 8, 2011

More Health Tips 4U

It doesn't require the brain of a rocket scientist to be healthy. Many of those scientists are sick any way, including some of the doctors you visit regularly to get your drugs. If you don't believe me, go today to your regular clinic and ask your doctor if he or she is on any drugs. YES, many of them, just like us simpletons, are daily fighting their rising blood pressure, the increasing sugar levels ( not including the hiking price of sugar), and the ever increasing girth ( waist line) due to consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates which come in different names of cakes, pastas, rotis and colas.

Tell me of any drug that has proven to CURE diabetes or HBP or obesity etc etc?.
If you are busy 'curing' the symptoms, the disease will sit cooly laughing loud at you! It is like trying to burn wet firewood. By the time the last match stick is ignited to keep on killing the smoke of yet-to burn wood, you have barely finished driving the water out of the wood. And after a half day walk to get a new source of fire, you have to start burning wet wood again because it rained. And that is how you go with drugs. Before the symptoms diminish with load of medicines you have to swallow, new symptoms emerge may be with different names but for the same core disease you are suffering. Its a yo yo affair.

Now Some Tips For You

1. Breakfast that lowers your blood pressure
Research findings: Eating soluble-fibre-rich whole grain oats every day caused a significant dip in blood pressure. It is also found to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.

Make 3/4 cup whole grain oat breakfast with milk and enjoy eating.

2. Foods that fight Aging
Chia seed- a nutty tasting grain with Omega3 fatty acids has high anti-oxidant activity of any whole food. Chia seed is even better than the powerful blueberries.
Aim at 2 daily doses of about 2 teaspoon of the seeds either sprinkling on cereal, yogurt, salads or stir into muffin mix. it can alsi be added to smoothies.

Note: It is essential to keep handy (1) a good blender with multiple speeds and with ice crushing blades, And (2) a dry blender to blend walnuts, macadamia nuts, almond etc so you can mix with soy milk or any healthy beverage.

3. Foods that strengthen your Immune System
Onion, apples and black berries contain quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that strengthen the immune system and forgetfulness.

Will keep you posted with more tips.

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