Monday, August 8, 2011

Vitamin D and Omega3 May Slash Diabetes Risk

Stephen Daniells 22.7.2011 ( Meta Analysis) stated from research result that increase in intakes of vitamin D are associated with a 13% reduction in the risk of diabetes. ( intake of 500iu/day or greater)

Vitamin D refers to D3 Cholecalcitral and D2 ergocalcutral. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to Metabolic Syndrome i.e impaired insulin secretion and insulin resistance.

Vitamin D deficiency in adults were reported to precipitate or excerbate Osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, fractures, commom cancers, auto-immune diseases, infectious diseases, and cardio- vascular diseases. ( European Jour. Clinical Nutrition)

Note: Heavy and continuous consumption of high G.I Carbohydrates ( highly processed carbohydrates with loss of fibers and nutrients that are easily and quickly converted to glucose upon eating) lead to excessive release of insulin by pancreas. Over a long period of heavy release of insulin lead to impaired pancreas. When this happens, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome manifest.

Omega3 intake may reduce the risk of Diabetes.

According to the American Jour. of Clinical Nutrition, the nutrition goal is to attain / maintain optimum metabolic functions which includes maintaining normal or close to normal blood glucose levels, improving blood lipid and lipoprotein profiles , and reducing blood pressure.

The above goals are related to the prevention or reversal of underlying conditions associated with diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and kidney damage or nephropathy.

WHO reports indicated that Diabetes affected 220 million people globally, and the consequence of high blood sugar kill 3.4 million people yearly.

" Diabetes, together with hypertension and elevated cholesterol is topping the list of diet related illness that is killing people and welfare budgets." Peter Winnstom

Eating wrong is one of the biggest threats to our lives. The best selling medicines of today are drugs that treat obesity, type2 diabetes, and high level cholesterol.

Peter Wennstom of Branding and Nutrition Expert & President of Healthy Marketing Team ( Sweden) further said that efforts should be toward intercepting consumers between supermarket and the emergency ward.

A point to note: Take note before you eat and drink anything. Once swallowed its a 'deal done'. Good luck.

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