Many things can kill a person - a bullet, snake bite, drugs, falling from a 20 storey building, a heart attack, or being choked by spouse...or by nothing but just the time is up!
People tend to conveniently avoid thinking of his or her own death - when, how or where it is going to happen. One can be fit and healthy with no illness detected at all, but its a drunken truck driver who, out of the blues rammed on him while jogging. Yet there are some who have been ailing on virtual death bed for years with no response to endless medications, but drag on almost lifelessly...and not dead yet.
Some lucky ones go on their lives eating whatever they want, whenever they feel like eating, and however much they want to gobble, with no exercise, no supplements, no medicines and above all NO WORRIES and still live to tell their stories. These last group of 'lucky' souls come in varying shapes and colours: very fat, not so fat, thin, limping, skin with all kinds of dirty marks, blurry eyes, foul smelling bodies, -- but seldom tall, dark and handsome.
We cannot leave life to luck alone. If given a choice between health and sickness, most every one wants to be healthy, very healthy and with lots of money. But nothing is free in the world. Even to be sick cost money. Most of the time it costs more money to be sick than to be healthy.
Some health products pusher once quipped," if you think it is expensive to be healthy, wait till you are sick - expensive, painful and may be disliked by the 'loved ones' if you take too long to die."
The bottom line is the desire with efforts to be healthy, the knowledge it requires to be healthy, and some time & financial investment to achieve the goal. And of course no procrastination.
People say procrastinators have eight days a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and someday. That someday never comes.
The discussion in this section is on The Three Evils that Ravage Your Health silently as you go on living freely without worries: Sugar spikes, Acidic wastes, and Dehydration.
1. Sugar Spikes: Everyone knows one way or another that too much sugar ( sucrose) is no good for health. People with some brain and with some interest to live longer will not jump of a speeding car he or she is driving. But this same person sometimes knowingly drives a car with faulty brakes. May be the brain focuses only on speeding and not on stopping- on time and safely. Likewise, while excess sugar ( obvious enemy) is being gingerly avoided in coffee or tea, the hidden enemies like cokes and pepsis or other carbonated drinks, pan cakes, roti canai, mee kari, donuts, pizza and white rice especially fragrant rice are eaten freely not realizing that these food are more dangerous than table sugar when it comes to sugar spike after eating or drinking.
Sugar spike is an abrupt build-up of sugar (glucose) in the body after eating or drinking foods that are either too high in sugar like the colas, or highly processed Carbohydrates with no fibers and vitamins as those found in the above-mentioned food that, upon entry in the body will quickly be converted to glucose ( even faster than table sugar converting to glucose after eating).
When too much sugar is in the blood system, the body, through pancreas will release a lot of insulin. Beyond what it can deliver to cells for energy to function, excess glucose will be stored in the body in the form of fat. Stored fat can again be converted to glucose and used in the future in time of hunger or starvation. But if excess sugar is brought in to the body daily by bad diet, a person can become fat fast. In addition, the pancreas get exhausted of continuous production of insulin. When that happens you get fat and diabetes, and perhaps if you are not lucky enough, insulin injections. So, sugar spike make you sick and weak which leads to other chronic diseases like kidney problems, heart problems etc.
2. Acidic Wastes accumulation:
Acidic wastes are formed after eating too much bad food, if not expelled from the body through urination, sweat, and passing motion ( defecation) can lead to many health problems. Erosion of roots of teeth and bones due to carbonate or calcium 'scraping' by the internal body acid-alkaline balance can lead to osteoporosis and loss of teeth. Joint pains both on fingers, toes and knees are also largely attributed to conditions of acidity.
Acidity also hinders efforts in weight loss by making fats sticking inside the body more stubbornly making dieting and exercise less effective. Removal of excess acid helps in relieving gastric problems, ulcers, bloating. Cancer cells thrive in the environment of acidity and high sugar as cancer cells feed on sugars.
Drinking a lot of clean water, especially alkaline water and eating alkaline foods ( green vegetables etc) help internal acid-alkaline balance. Alkaline drops have been formulated by USA and one local company in Malaysia to address the problems of acidity effectively. A mere 2 drops in a 500ml water can boost the pH from 7 to pH9 or more.
Email me at for information on locally manufactured Alkaline Drops for body acid-alkaline balance.
3. Dehydration:
In fact, the three topics of Sugar spikes, Acidic Wastes, and Dehydration have been discussed in the blog. But among the many things that can adversely affect our health in silent and gradual manner are these three factors.
If we can minimize sugar spikes, acidic wastes and dehydration, we are less likely to be exposed to chronic diseases.
Dehydration is unfortunately not realized by people who experience them. Only serious dehydration can show itself in the forms of dry skin, dry mouth, itchiness, sleepiness, constipation or high blood pressure, or headaches.
Re-hydration will not show its effects immediately though one may feel satisfied after a thirst quenching drink of water. Water needs to flow at cellular level to be absorbed by the thirsty cells and tissues. It may take more than one day to be effective.
In order to avoid dehydration, we must drink lots of water many times a day. At the earlier stage of re-hydration ( drinking more water) we may start to have the urge to urinate more and frequently. Its a good thing to do. But after a week or so, when there is water stability in the system ( complete re-hydration), our urination patters will be less frequent.
As mentioned in other writings, good urine is Clean, Clear and Copious. Do it, and do it regularly, but not in front of people.
So, stay healthy and fit by taking good Low Glycemic Carbohydrates so there is no sugar spike after meals. Eat lots of green foods and drink alkaline water to be less acidic inside, and Drink lots of water daily to avoid dehydration. TQ
Note: Low G.I Carbohydrates : High fiber flour / fruits & vegetables with vitamins and minerals not removed in the milling or cooking process. It has the property of slow and gradual release of sugar ( from Carbohydrates to Glucose) and therefore not requiring high insulin release.
High G.I Carbohydrates: Highly processed carbohydrates for commercial production of flour, cakes, biscuits, bread, pasta , mee, etc that upon consuming will cause sugar spike in the system which pushes a surge in insulin release. Excess sugar produced will be stored in the form of fat, thereby making people fat in the long run.
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